HB Beauty

How HB Beauty Palmwoods built a booking and shop platform to help with self care products and body and beauty services


HB Beauty thrives on organic and planet-friendly products and a holistic approach to therapeutical services for the body and mind.

Alphesda in collaboration with CarlyCo redesigned their website around their products and skincare products. Our customers saw increased love in their new website with more sales and brand awareness than ever before. 

The Story of HB Beauty

Helena Bergman, the proud owner of HB Beauty, has spent her entire life on the breathtaking Sunshine Coast. She has always been captivated by the beauty of nature and the incredible outdoors. When she set out to create her beauty service and skincare range, her aim was to cater to a diverse range of skin types. She also wanted to provide the much-needed nourishment and protection that is vital in the face of harsh Australian weather conditions.

At HB Beauty, they focus on sustainability and using locally sourced ingredients. Their exclusive skincare range is produced locally and entirely from sustainable resources. Additionally, all of HB beauty therapists are trained to take a holistic approach when treating clients. The goal is to ensure that you fall in love with your skin all over again. Trust in HB Beauty to help you restore your radiant, glowing complexion and help you feel confident and beautiful inside as well as out.

The challenge of holistic website presence she was eager to have Before connecting with us

When we first met with Helena, she expressed her frustration with her old website, seeing as it wasn’t reflecting her brand’s message and values on the world wide web. As her team of consultants, we at CarlyCo and Alphesda understood her struggles, and we were committed to helping her revamp her online presence, elevating her brand to the highest possible level. After all, we believe that every brand deserves to have its voice heard and to be seen and appreciated by people far and wide.

Through dedication and hard work, we were able to work hand in hand with Helena, listening to her needs and wants, and we created a website that truly represents her passion and love for skincare products and services. We designed a website that blends her services and products in perfect harmony, creating a natural and sublime-looking online platform that breathes calmness and user satisfaction. At the end of the day, with Helena’s new website, she can now confidently showcase her brand’s mission and values to the world, knowing that she is being taken seriously.

Why HB Beauty Chose Website Redesign

When it comes to HB Beauty’s website redesign, there were several key factors that led to the decision to revamp the site. However, one of the most important considerations was achieving a delicate balance between function and form. Given the highly competitive nature of the beauty and wellness industry, it was crucial to ensure that the website stood out from the crowd and effectively communicated HB Beauty’s values and mission to its users. This meant having a design that was both seamless and visually appealing, while also providing comprehensive information about the brand’s services and offerings such as body massages, waxing, and eco-conscious skincare products.

To accomplish all of this, the HB Beauty team knew that they needed a website that was both aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly, which meant creating a design that was both visually appealing and highly functional. By doing so, the new website was able to convey the brand’s core messages and provide a pleasant user experience while allowing users to easily engage with the brand and even subscribe to their various solutions. Ultimately, the redesigned site was a crucial step in solidifying HB Beauty’s online presence while also reinforcing its commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.

HB Beauty has great quality skin products that c complement their services. you can also subscribe to their care packages that include many organic and natural Australian made products.

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